I hate this feeling.The feeling you get when there's like a million things you want to say,but you just don't know where to start.If only all these words could be turned into pictures,life would be so much easier.
On another note,as Julius Caesar once said,
"Vēnī, vīdī, vīcī,"
We came,we saw,we conquered.
The battle is over,and we stride out with our heads up high,as we triumphed over the rest.
PBSM(the team i'm in) came out as the winners of the marching competition for the unit beruniform division >).I'm so proud of you guys.We were one of the underdogs,but we showed em huh?Congrats guys,you all deserved it.We gave it our all during that last performance,and man did it rock.
To the other teams,I take my hat off to you guys.You all did an awesome job,haha.The competition was a really close call this year though.It was impossible to predict who would come out as the champion.But in the end,we all emerged winners anyway.To me,winning isn't the most important thing.It's about giving it your all and learning something in the process.Getting 1st place is just like...an added bonus,something like getting 2 pay cheques in a month.nottomentionthesyokfeelingyouget
We all started out as strangers,but as the weeks passed by,we all got closer to each other through the sweat and tears we shed,after marching for hours on end in the condemned hot-as-hell sun and even in the rain.And not to mention sacrificing our skin,turning into chocolates,haha.The camaderie that was formed.That is one of the things I love about marching.It's a feeling you wouldn't understand unless you tried it for yourself.It's a feeling you'll never regret having,seriously.
And the main thing I love about marching is probably when we take the stage,haha.The feeling you get as everyone watches you,sweat trickling down your forehead,as you try your hardest not to screw up the formation,during that time which you'll be giving every ounce of spirit you have in you.It's an undescribable feeling,but you feel it when you know that you've definitely given everything you've got.It's a damn syok feeling haha >)
Lastly,thank you to everyone for doing your best.I'm gonna miss you guys haha.anddefinitelynotthepractices
Sigh,that's the end of another amazing thing to hit my life.The other being retiring from the school's Leo Club,=(. Why must things come to an end in life?Why must life be so cruel?I had some of the greatest times of my life in Leo.Especially during LLC 2007,haha. whichistillhavenotpostedareviewaboutandiprobablyneverwill
Congratulations to the new B.O.D's.I know you guys can take the club to the next level >).And kudos to the previous B.O.D's for everything you've done for the club.
With every end,comes a new beginning.
Didn't bring camera for sports day so no pictures >/.Hopefully,I can get my hands on some.