Being free....
The spirit of Merdeka...
This is my tribute.
It's that day of the year again.The day of freedom.No,I'm not a serial killer confined in a
prison in the middle of nowhere.It's my country's independence day,and i'm returning home to
the place I always have and will love.
I hate the journey home.It's so long and arduous what with babies crying everywhere and weird
strangers sitting next to you.Sigh,well,no pain no gain.
I looked out the window of the plane just to pass some time.
It was a lovely day,with our friend Cerulean painting the skies wonderfully and the clouds
dancing around.I looked down and saw the usual sight;Houses the size of an ant...majestic
buildings that don't look so majestic from here.Ah yes,what a perfect day.Nothing could go
What the heck was that?!
Like everyone else on the plane,I turned my head to see a pregnant woman screaming in
agonizing pain.Yep,you guessed it,she's going to give birth.Stewards and stewardesses rushed
to aid her.But this was beyond their capabilities.They weren't Superman.Hell,I don't think
even Superman could handle this.
"Is there a doctor on the plane?!?!,"one of the stewardess shouted,and she's kinda cute.
What the hell am I thinking at a time like this?
With lightning quick reflexes,I unbuckled my seat belt and rushed to that area.
"Don't worry.I'm a professional,certified obstetrician.I want you all to stay clear of this
area.I need 2 assistants,"I said.God,I hate speaking all professional and's so
hard.And why was this woman let on the plane in the first place?Damned people not doing their
"I'll help,"shouted one of them.
"Me too,"said another.
"Okay,it's settled then.Let's get it started,"I bellowed.
Some time later...
"It's almost out ma'am,just a little bit more.Keep pushing!!Do it for the baby!!You can do
this!"I said,encouraging her.
And then it happened.The plane rocked back and forth.
The head went back in.
"No!!!No,no,no,no,no!!"I screamed.
"I'm sorry about that ladies and gentlemen,there was a slight air turbulence.The flight will
resume as normal,"a voice from the intercom said.
"Gah,i'm sorry ma'am,you'll have to try again.You must do it.I'm really sorry,"I apologised.
The soon-to-be(or will she?) mother never gave up hope.She kept on pushing and pushing and
Cries of a baby could be heard.And not just any baby.The soft and innocent cries of an obviously strong,promising newborn
baby being born into this beautiful world and as far as I know,this country.(as the plane has
just crossed into the country.)
About 30 minutes pass by....
The mother is peacefully milking her baby by the airplane window,giving the baby a chance to
observe the beauty of what we call life(who knows what the baby calls it)below.It was a beautiful sight,a miracle you could
say.All this while,I have forgotten what it was like to help an infant into this world.
I have just been doing it because it was my job,not because of passion.But now I know better,the
birth of a newborn baby is something that I will never take for granted anymore.
I asked the husband of the woman(that's sitting next to her)something.
"Sir,why did you let your wife on the plane?You know she was going to give birth any
time soon.You could've killed your son,you know that?"I said,still in a calm tone,although
I'm furious inside.
"I'm sorry doctor...but I tried to stop her.I really did.But she kept insisting we went back
home.I had to pay so much money to get them to let my wife into the plane.I'm really
ashamed....but what could I do?My wife's a real hardheaded person,but that's what I love
about her,"the husband said.
"Why did she want to return here so badly?"I asked,though I can already guess the answer.
"She said it was because she wanted her baby to be born in the country she was born in.The
country she grew up in...the country she loves.She wanted her baby to smell the air and be
one with the nation,"he replied.
"...I see,"I said tersely.
It was just as I thought.This woman was really strong.I admire her.I wish I could be as
strong as her.Oh can't have everything.I'm just glad to have helped her bring her
baby into this world.I have a feeling that little tyke will bring this country to greater
heights than ever before.
Well that's it.Sorry if it sucked..and i'm pretty sure it does.
I rushed writing the story as it was already around 11 p.m. when I started.That only gave me an hour to finish this >_>.
I wanted to write something else,and it was going to be really long,but as you all know,I'm a friggin' procrastinator.
I hate myself...again.
Anyways,you may be asking...what does this story have to do with merdeka?
Well...I guess nothing...I'm just trying to convey the message that I'm proud to be a Malaysian and always will be.And how beautiful life is.I'll write better on my next project...if I ever start. >_>
Well,goodbye and Happy Merdeka!!!!
Zu Wen
Birth is an experience that demonstrates that life is not merely function and utility, but
form and beauty. - Christopher Largen
Friday, August 31, 2007
My Tribute
Posted by
Zu Wen
8/31/2007 11:51:00 PM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
All over again.
It's that time again,school holidays,woo-hoo.Then again,I have mixed feelings about it.It's not that I don't welcome school holidays,it's just gets so boring and lonely sometimes.
I'm probably gonna wish I was in school by Monday.Call me a nerd or whatever,I don't care.
*Sigh* Not much to do during the holidays,probably just gonna laze around doing nothing of significance. I should probably do something productive like study for the finals,but being the lousy procrastinator I am,blegh,I'm probably gonna put it off.I hate myself sometimes...well,most of the time.
Anyways,I'm gonna talk about my random thought of the day!!! (God,I'm lame)
I was just thinking....isn't it funny how one decision,no matter how minuscule it is,will change your life forever? For example,a mother has two schools(let's just name them school A and school B)to decide from on where to send her son to study.
If the mother sent him to school A,he went on to becoming successful and earning millions of dollars.
However,if the mother sent him to school B,he ended up being a failure,drug addict,etc.
See what I mean?Well sure,it wasn't really a small decision,but you get what I mean.
Life has a funny way of toying with our lives.Sometimes I wish I could turn back time to see what would happen if I chose something else instead.But what's done is done.
Now don't get me wrong.I'm not one to particularly believe in fate,and I believe everything that happens after you made that decision is still up to you.Maybe our lives have been determined,maybe not.We may be tied together by invisible strings that can only be seen by fate,and "it" is pulling the strings,bringing people together and moving us forward.Haven't you ever felt like you were meant to meet with this person that's standing right in front of you?
Well,no matter how much I talk about it,we'll never know.I'm still gonna work hard to achieve what I want,just to be on the safe side. (HAHHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHALOLOLOLOLOLOLMAOLMAO)
Yeah,right.I'm probably the most laziest person you've ever and ever will see.
And oh yeah,I had a sudden urge to write something the other day,and I came up with something.It's only the intro though.
"She leaned over the railing.It felt warm under the bright glow of the evening sun,unlike her cold and desolate heart.For the first time in her life,she felt so useless,so violated,so....dumb.The look in her eyes showed one of sadness with a tint of anger.She stared into the abyss of life below,oblivious to her surroundings.She could end this once and for all.The first tear of the day appeared from her crestfallen eyes.She knew more was to come.As she started blankly below,the sky above her started to fold its curtain of clouds,bringing in its next performance."
What do you think?I don't know if I should continue or to just leave it at that,hrmm.....
That's it,see ya in my next post.
Zu Wen
Posted by
Zu Wen
8/18/2007 07:29:00 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Liek omgwtfbbq,IM BLOGGING?!?!
Yeah,that's right.No,you're not hallucinating from drinking alcohol or anything.I'm finally blogging.I used to hate blogs.I guess it was because everyone was doing it and I dunno,just thought it was a waste of time.But I realized,it's actually good to express yourself and show the world just who you are.
Hm,what do you think of the pic for my blog title?I found that picture while browsing the net.It's sooo cool.It's called midnight sun.It was taken by some guy named Josef Stuefer I think.It's a phenomenon that happens in the north if I'm not wrong.The sun remains visible even at midnight.Romantic eh?....That's what a normal person would say,but I don't believe in romance,blegh. Idk,I may just be bitter,who knows.
Well,that's all for now,till the next time.
Your friendly neighbourhood giant (LOL),
Zu Wen
Posted by
Zu Wen
8/14/2007 10:32:00 PM